
About Us

About Us

Lane LifeTRANS is a locally owned and family operated business. As the longest serving and largest EMT and paramedic provider in the area, we’re dedicated to providing the highest standard of medical care to the families of this Valley.

We are currently the primary provider of 911 emergency paramedic services for Austintown Township, Boardman Township, Weathersfield Township , the City of Niles, the City of Girard, and Jackson Township, and also serve as Paramedic support for the surrounding areas of Berlin Township, Craig Beach Village, Ellsworth Township, Milton Township, Craigs Beach, McDonald and the west side of Youngstown.

Lane LifeTrans has been one of the two contracted services for the Canfield Fair since 1986 and is the last remaining originally contracted Ambulance provider for the Ohio Turnpike. Lane LifeTRANS serves many area industries and both private and public corporations as well as providing paramedic and basic coverage for many nursing homes and rehabilitation facilities throughout the area.

Lane LifeTRANS is also responsible for the Paramedic staffing of the Mercy Health, Medical Intensive Care unit. We also provide paramedic and Nurse coverage for the Hollywood Gaming Racino in Austintown, and special event and scholastic sports coverage for Youngstown State University.

Lane LifeTRANS has also developed an additional division – Lane LifeTRANS: ETC ( Elite Training Center ). This division provides basic EMT training, EMT P and EMT A refresher programs , American Heart association CPR and related training.

Lane LifeTRANS


© Lane LifeTRANS
Crafted with care by Frazer Consultants & TA

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